22 January 2008

Little update....

Carrot is doing well, we have let her run around on the floor more, which seems to make her happy, and we picked up some drugs for her tonight, which is she refusing to eat despite the lovely fruity goodness that they are hidden in. I have to give her them twice a day, for 2 weeks. Eep! We booked a holiday yesterday. Three days on the south coast for my birthday in March. Its all we could afford but im looking forward to it, and it will give me something to aim for when I go to the gym. Im back in work after being sick, so I plan on going to the gym tomorrow and Friday, and then hopefully 3 times a week from then on. I have been slacking so far this year and I dont feel good for it. Work has been so busy this year, and it was no easier today. We are having a lot of problems with the new contractors, and we are still trying to catch up with last years work. We had a very busy development year, and finished over 50 houses in December, and as we were short staffed, only the really important stuff got done. Now we have to do all the rest of the work AND move offices in 2 weeks time. Its just horrible! In knitting news, I just finished a space invader, my binary scarf is over half way, and I have cast on the for the second twisted tweed sock. Im feeling good about my knitting, and am trying not to lose track of what I am making. Its now 11pm so im going to get a shower. I hate getting up at 6:30

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