23 May 2011

Bleurgh Mondays

Today has been decent enough. Nicely busy at work, no disasters, and home via the shop for salad, pretzels & dip. All of which came to less than 600 calories and the best bit is that I bought fruit salad and chocolate and I don't really want either of them right now.

I have been watching cooking programs and looking forward to cookage when I move. I used to love cooking. Alli has an allotment and although it might be too late for me to plant stuff this year I imagine there will be leftovers and overspill to use up, and I will just have to shop at the market more for cheap and unusual healthy stuff.

I plan to make curry from scratch and stews and roasts because I forgot what I used to do 'before'. I have always cooked, gardened and made things so I look forward to getting back into that.

Today I am at an awkward stage where I want to knit on a shawl but if I do, I will finish it and I won't know what to take to knitting tomorrow night. I might make some progress on the giant blanket whilst I watch a film. I think I have 'The Science of Sleep'

Oh and I had my hair cut this week. First time in 15 months and definitely needed. IMAG0572

1 comment:

Laurie Ann said...

I love your glasses. The haircut looks nice, too, but I didn't see it before.