I am going to knitting in a bit. I need to call Dan at 10 to remind him he has to go to work for 11 and then I am going to grab a lift from him to save catching the bus. But I got up so early this morning. I went to bed just after 12 and was up for 7:30. I have tidied my room as it was a complete state and its strange because tidying my room usually just implies putting a few bit of clothes away and arranging my knitting projects and yarn. All done now.
I cannot stay here though. I want to move to somewhere on my own. Unfortunately, and I don't know how bad it is in other countries, it is extortionate to live alone here. A one bedroom flat - meaning not a bed/sit or studio but a place where there is a bedroom, a bathroom and a living area with kitchen will cost me around £400 a month. Then there is council tax, gas, electric, water, internet, tv licence, food, life etc and its going to cost me around £700 a month which I cannot afford, but I really don't want to live with anyone else right now.
I did join the gym last night for £33 a month but in return I am going to cancel my contact lens contract, saving £15 a month so its not too bad. I don't wear them anyway and the gym is a much healthier spend. I only did 25 minutes yesterday but 25 minutes 3 or 4 times a week is better than sitting on my arse at home watching TV and I don't even like TV.
Also, despite wanting to save money, I really want to go on holiday. The passport has cost me £90 and I have it now so I might as well use it, so if anyone has any ideas for places to go on my own, or people to visit, let me know.
Also, I am still procrastinating about this damn assignment. Stupid thing is it will be easy when I get started, I just have an aversion to writing essays.
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