4 November 2010

Not very good at this updating malarky

Oh I just remembered what happened on the day I got back from my mums. I knew it wouldnt be good, but I didnt expect to get home to my landlady removing everything I own from my room, without my permission, so she could decorate... I had stern words. I also had a word about leaving me notes when I am in the house and told her I wouldn't be standing for passive aggressive notes so if she needs to speak to me she can knock on the door or phone me or just wait 2 days for the £3 I owed her for toilet roll.

Also, I didn't go wild at texere. I bought a couple of things which I wish I hadn't. I don't really like laceweight all that much. I might sell it on ravelry.

I did go wild at Fiber Flurry last weekend. I spent over £100 but what the hell, I am out of debt for the first time since 1997 and I have a small disposable income which I haven't spent on pretty much anything. I didn't really eat for about 3 weeks last month so I probably saved £100 there.Anyway this is what I bought...


I also bought a new wheel which for some reason I have no photos of yet. I will get some. Its a Majacraft Little Gem and I do love it so. I am typing this at work so I will have to do another post with photos and specifics of what I got and what I am now making. I sold my Louet S10 last Saturday - meaning I did actually profit from the day in the end.

I feel this is a bit garbled, but I will try and write another post soonish. Tonight I am going to KnitFlix with some of my favourite knitters. I really do love my new friends :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! you got a sheepy mug! I thought they were gorgeous.
I'm looking forward to seeing your makes with your new stash!